<- Return to Alberta Broadband Fund
Program Stream 1 Intake 1: Service availability challenges has closed.
Getting Started
Applicants will need to review the program requirements information below and acknowledge their understanding of eligibility when registering using the register button further below.
Already applied? If you have already submitted an application you can check or update your uploaded files on the ABF Portal - Application Submissions page.
The diagram below illustrates the steps for determining eligibility, registering, and applying. Each icon is a link directly to the section to help you navigate.
| ||||||
Program Requirements Determine if you are eligible to apply for the initial ABF intake. |
Stream 1 Intake Timeline and Intake Types Review the ABF initial intake type shown on the ABF website and determine which application type. |
Registration Register with the ABF program. After successfully registering, ensure you download the ABF application form and templates. |
Application Intake Type Requirements Complete the steps outlined for the ABF initial intake type you selected earlier. |
Applying Complete the ABF Application Package using the instructions below. |
Uploading an Application Package Upload the completed ABF Application Package to the ABF website. |
Application Assessment The ABF program will review your application. You will be notified as status changes and a decision is rendered. |
Click on the numbered icon to go to that section.
Section 1: Program requirements
Determine if you are eligible to apply for the initial ABF intake. |
Applicants must meet the following program eligibility requirements to be considered for funding. Applications that do not meet all of the requirements outlined below may not be assessed. |
Eligible applicants
An Eligible Applicant is:
- A corporation, either for profit or not-for-profit, that is incorporated in Canada;
- An Alberta municipal entity;
- An Indigenous entity including:
- a profit or non-profit organization run by and for First Nations, Métis, or Inuit peoples;
- a band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act;
- an Indigenous government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
- A public sector body that is established by statute or by regulation or is wholly owned by a province, municipal or regional government which provides services to communities; or
- A partnership, joint venture or consortium that is composed of parties identified in (1), (2), (3) and/or (4) above;
And, that:
- Builds, owns and operates broadband infrastructure; or
- Enters into a contractual arrangement with an entity identified in (1), (2), (3), (4) or (5) above to design, build, own and operate broadband infrastructure.
Federal entities, including Crown Corporations, are not eligible recipients.
Eligible activities
The ABF program supports projects that extend or enhance household access to high-speed Internet services in areas with speeds less than 50/10 Mbps. Funding for these projects is currently available until March 31, 2027.
Broadband projects
To be eligible for contributions under the ABF program, broadband project proposals must:
- Cover areas that do not already have 50/10 Mbps service, as identified on the National Broadband Internet Service Availability Map;
- Cover areas currently not applied for or funded under another government broadband program including but not limited to the Universal Broadband Fund, CRTC, and RRS (Rapid Response Stream) programs.
- Registered applicants may confer with the ABF program to determine if an area may be eligible before completing a full application.
- Deliver minimum service speeds of 50/10 Mbps; and,
- Provide open access to Points of Presence (PoPs) that are components of the project.
Eligible areas
Eligible areas are those identified by ISED's Availability Map as having less than 50/10 Mbps service and areas where no other broadband program application is currently in progress.
The Availability Map represents available broadband services down to the 250 metre road segment level. To produce this map, ISED used demographics and road file information from Statistics Canada, combined with information from Internet service providers. More details about this data is available on the National Broadband Data Information page. The data presented on the map is regularly updated as new information becomes available.
To facilitate the submission of applications in eligible areas, ISED has developed the Eligibility Mapping Tool. Using this tool, an applicant can create or upload its project coverage on top of the Availability Map. Applicants must use the tool to verify that their project is targeting eligible areas and to generate their project coverage in the format required for submissions to this program.
Note: If the eligibility tool is not available or the applicant has issues registering to use the Eligibility Mapping Tool then the National Broadband Map can be use with a screen capture of the area being applied for with the proposed application clearly marked on the map or clearly described with specific geographic coordinates.
Areas identified on the Availability Map as currently having access to Internet service speeds of 50/10 Mbps or better are not eligible for funding under this program. Any elements or areas of a project that propose to overbuild existing services will be removed from the final project, in the event it is selected, and in any event projects proposing to overbuild existing services to any degree will generally be assessed less favourably relative to competing proposals that do not. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact program staff regarding the need to update information concerning the representation of coverage by speed on the Availability Map in advance of submitting an application.
The ABF program is committed to working with all partners to close the digital gap in Alberta. Where the ABF program is notified by a province, territory, the Canadian Radio-telecommunications Commission (CRTC), the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB), Infrastructure Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, or an Internet service provider that an eligible area on the Availability Map is now covered or in the process of being covered at 50/10 Mbps speeds, that area will no longer be eligible.
For issues relating to specific broadband services shown on the Availability Map, including the quality, the update, or the correction of specific data, please consult the Service Availability Challenges section.
Eligible technologies
Applicants may deploy the technology of their choice, including wired and fixed wireless solutions, but all projects will be assessed in the same way in terms of program requirements, benefits and objectives.
To consistently and fairly assess the capabilities of proposals employing wireless technologies, the program will evaluate the relative capabilities of proposals using the methodology described in the Communications Research Centre's (CRC) Technical Report — Capability Evaluation of Fixed Wireless Access Systems to Deliver Broadband Internet Services.
Eligible costs
Eligible costs under the ABF program are the relevant and reasonable expenses required to carry out the eligible activities to which they relate. Eligible costs will be costs for the deployment of broadband infrastructure, such as purchases of hardware and software, equipment, leases of satellite capacity, salaries and benefits, and fees for associated contracted services related to the build of the network.
- The determination of eligible expenses rests with the program.
- Should a project be approved for funding, program officials will contact the applicant to establish the effective date and the completion date for the project.
- Costs incurred after the stated completion date of the Contribution Agreement will not be eligible for funding.
Eligible expenses for regular programming include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Direct labour costs, meaning that portion of gross wages or salaries incurred for work that can be specifically identified and measured as having been performed or are to be performed on the Project and that is so identified and measured consistently by the Recipient's cost accounting system, as accepted by the Minister. Costs for salary and wages must only be claimed for employees who are on the recipient's payroll. The payroll rate to be used is the actual gross pay rate for each employee (normal periodic remuneration before deductions) working on the Project. The payroll rate excludes all premiums (e.g., overtime, workers compensation benefits, as well as payments in terms of shares, stock, stock options, discretionary bonuses or performance related payments of any kind), shift differentials and any reimbursement or benefit conferred in lieu of salaries or wages.
- Direct material costs, meaning those costs of materials which can be specifically identified and measured as having been used or will be used in the implementation of the project;
- Direct equipment costs, meaning the cost of equipment required for the completion of the project, including but not limited to servers, switches, fibre optic cable, repeaters, radio equipment, towers, poles, back-up power supplies, shelters and network broadband connectivity devices including upgrades;
- Direct satellite capacity costs, meaning the portion of the direct purchase or lease of bandwidth or capacity delivered over the physical medium of satellite which can be specifically identified and measured as having been used or to be used on the implementation of the project. These costs will be measured in units of Mbps, MHz, or a quantity of satellite transponders;
- Direct travel costs, meaning the cost of travel which is deemed necessary to the performance of the project. To be eligible, travel costs must be clearly documented as to the purpose of each trip and respect the spirit of the Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures of the Treasury Board. Travel expenses, at economy rates, shall be charged as actual costs.
- Other direct costs, meaning those applicable costs, not falling within the categories of direct labour, direct equipment, direct material, direct satellite capacity, or direct travel costs, but which can be specifically identified and measured as having been incurred or to be incurred to implement the project.
Ineligible costs would include (but are not limited to):
- Any costs outside of those clearly listed as admissible or eligible, all expenditures incurred after the project completion date and before the Contribution Agreement effective date;
- Expenditures related to purchasing land, right-of-way and buildings (except for equipment shelters not meant for human occupation) and associated real estate and other fees;
- Leasing land, buildings and other facilities, including permanent shelters for housing network related equipment (except for temporary facilities directly related to the construction of the project);
- General repairs and ongoing maintenance resulting from the project and related structures;
- Legal fees;
- Operational costs to operate the infrastructure built as a result of the project;
- Maintenance and service contracts and technical support contracts for equipment, software and hardware;
- Warranties including warranties for equipment, software and hardware;
- Taxes for which the applicant is eligible for a tax rebate and all costs eligible for rebates;
- Contingency provisions;
- Insurance costs;
- Land purchase costs;
- Existing capital assets including land, buildings, vehicles and other indirect, fixed, and/or capital costs;
- Cost of any goods and services which are received through donations or in kind;
- Financing or carrying costs, loan and interest payments;
- General office space and equipment i.e. photocopiers, furniture, telephones, computers, printers and office software;
- All costs to setup an Internet service provider including all general business and office related expenses, tools, vehicles, office supply, telephones, computers, printers; telecommunication & networking installation, measuring, maintenance and repair devices.
- Advertising/promotion activities;
- Radio and Spectrum licensing fees;
- Research and Development work and activities and expenses related to experimental work;
- Software development and hardware development and production;
- Non commercial-off-the-shelf networking and telecommunications equipment;
- All software except software to operate the network of the project;
- All permits required for the ongoing operation of the network (excludes all one-time costs required to initially obtain the permit);
- Existing telecommunication and network infrastructure including dark fibre and or IRU (Indefeasible right of use) to use dark fibre;
- "Lease to own" contract types; and,
- Cleaning fees.
Project funding
Applicants must clearly indicate all sources of funding for a project and demonstrate that these funds are required to support total project costs. In preparing the project budget, applicants must fully cost their entire project to include all relevant eligible and ineligible project costs, as described above.
ABF funding
Funding under the ABF program must only be used to support eligible costs, as outlined above, that are reasonable, measurable, needed and necessary to complete the project.
Funding should be requested based on the minimum level of program support required to ensure that the project proceeds within the proposed time and scope. The maximum amount of funding that an applicant can request for a broadband project is up to 75% of the total eligible costs, or up to 90% of the total eligible costs for projects targeting very remote areas, satellite-dependent and/or Indigenous communities.
- Notes:
remote - As defined, very remote communities are those lacking year-round road access.
satellite dependent - As defined by the CRTC.
Indigenouse communities - Based on standards and data provided by Statistics Canada and Indigenous Services Canada.
When proposing a project that is comprised of various components as described above (e.g., a combination of rural and very remote or Indigenous communities, or a combination of broadband elements), the maximum contribution will be established based on the eligible expenses of each component of this specific project. Template 2: Detailed Budget is set up to assist applicants in determining the maximum sharing ratio and amount that an applicant can request for a project.
Note: The program reserves the right to determine the amount of funding for each project. Even if an application is selected by the Minister, an applicant may not get the full amount requested from the program. The program will take into account overbuild with existing coverage and overlap with other applications or projects selected by other federal or provincial programs, level of service improvement, needs and financial capacity of the applicant, value for money and consideration of the impact on the overall budgetary envelope for the ABF program.
Other funding
Wherever possible, the ABF program will seek to leverage other sources of funding to make the most efficient use of public funds and to maximize the program's impact on household connectivity and benefiting Indigenous peoples. Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit financial plans that include additional funding partners, such as provinces, territories, municipalities, other federal agencies and departments, or the private sector to ensure that projects are well-financed and require the minimum program funding necessary. Other sources of funding could include financial assistance (e.g., grants, forgivable loans), as well as applications for financial assistance which are still pending.
All projects will have a stacking limit of up to 100% of eligible project costs. This means that total public funds (Canadian/ provincial/ territorial / municipal government) in the form of grants, contributions, implicit subsidies, subsidized loans, forgivable loans, investment tax credits or any other tax credits cannot exceed 100% of total eligible costs.
Assessment criteria
The program's assessment of projects is designed to deliver projects offering the greatest value for Albertans in terms of extending robust, affordable broadband service to underserved households. The program will ensure that projects from a wide variety of applicants across Alberta can be considered. Ultimately, the Minister will select projects that best meet the objectives of the program.
Applications will be assessed using a three-stage assessment process:
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
Eligibility screening
Essential criteria
Comparative criteria
Eligibility screening
Applications will first be screened to ensure they meet the program's requirements. At the screening stage, the assessment will determine whether:
- the applicant is an entity that is eligible for funding and has provided all appropriate contact information;
- the applicant has provided all the required project information, including templates and supporting documents as specified above;
- the applicant has described eligible activities proposing to improve access for households that currently lack access to speeds of at least 50/10 Mbps or extend services for Indigenous peoples; and
- the applicant has completed the declarations section of the Application Form.
Note: The fact that a project is screened as eligible does not guarantee that it will be funded. All eligible projects are subject to a comprehensive assessment process, which may or may not result in a positive funding decision.
Essential criteria
Applications deemed eligible will be subsequently assessed against essential criteria. At this stage of the process, the program will examine the sustainability of the proposed technology; the reasonableness of the implementation plan; and the financial potential to maintain the infrastructure and services on an ongoing basis for five years after the project is completed. The applicant must demonstrate that:
- the project has a sustainable, viable and realistic technical solution;
- the project management and implementation plan is feasible;
- it has the managerial and financial capacity to deliver the project and to maintain the infrastructure and services on an ongoing basis for five years after the project is completed; and
- the project would be financially sustainable.
The applicant must demonstrate the appropriateness of the chosen technology — it must be able to deliver reliable speeds of at least 50/10 Mbps to residential households as a minimum. This analysis will be based on criteria including, but not limited to, the proposed network information, the equipment list, the logical network diagram, and the geographic network map.
Further, the sustainability of the chosen technology, over both the short- and long-term, will be taken into consideration. Projects will be assessed to ensure that the proposed networks will remain usable and serviceable at least five years after the project's end.
Applications employing current, widely-adopted technologies are all expected to pass this criterion. Projects proposing to use obsolete or end-of-life technologies may fail to meet the requirements for this criterion.
Project management and sustainability
The objective of this criterion is to assess the ability of an applicant to successfully implement a project on time and within budget, as well as how the resulting network will be sustained once in operation. Applicants will need to describe how they, alone or in partnership, are prepared to implement, manage, and operate the proposed broadband network. If multiple applicants are involved in a project, the application must describe the roles and responsibilities that each applicant will have in managing the project, and if applicable, indicate whom among the parties will retain ownership of the network assets, who will be responsible for building the network and who will be responsible for operating the network.
The applicant and, if applicable, co-applicants, must demonstrate that the project will be delivered through strong project management, financial control and technical development skills. Where weaknesses exist, remedial measures should be explained.
The Financial Forecast template 3 will be used to assess the financial viability of the project and to understand what revenues and other income will be generated to operate the network over the longer term. Minimally, applicants must demonstrate that they will have sufficient financial resources to operate their network for 5 years.
In addition, a condition of receiving funding is that successful applicants will be required to make available broadband service(s) at the price(s) specified in their proposal for a minimum of five (5) years from the project completion date.
For projects benefiting Indigenous peoples, applicants should explain how they intend to maintain services in zones where subscriptions to broadband services could be scarce due to the density of population.
Comparative criteria
Those applications that pass the essential criteria will then undergo an assessment using comparative criteria. The aim of the comparative assessment is to ensure that projects of various sizes and in various regions are considered as those being the best able to meet the program objectives based on the availability of program funding.
Co-funding and scalability will be given increased emphasis as comparative criteria.
As specified above, the ABF program will seek to leverage other sources of funding, where possible, in order to maximize value for money and the program's overall impact on household connectivity. Where it is possible to do so, projects including additional funding partners, such as provinces, territories, municipalities, other federal agencies and departments, or the private sector will be assessed more favourably. Co-funding is strongly encouraged for large scale, high-impact projects.
Consistent with Canada's Connectivity Strategy, the ABF program 50/10 Mbps target is a minimum, and projects that are capable of delivering or scaling to higher speeds will be assessed more favourably. Consideration of scalability will include the relative timeliness, additional cost and necessary technical limitations.
Wireless project scalability includes additional user capacity (i.e., the number of potential subscribers and available data capacity) as well as user speeds. Limitations linked to the need for spectrum should be indicated.
Projects that offer lower retail pricing will be assessed more favourably. Proposed pricing will also be compared to the range of prices, by region, as reported in the CRTC's Communications Monitoring Report.
Open access to networks and passive infrastructure
Projects that construct and provide open access to more Points of Presence (PoPs), and/or offer lower prices to access these PoPs, will be assessed more favourably. Projects that offer open access to last-mile infrastructure, though not required, will also be assessed more favourably.
Applicants should explain if and how their infrastructure will be made available to third parties.
Applicants owning passive infrastructure that do not undertake any action to make it more promptly accessible to third parties will be assessed less positively than others. Applicants requiring access to third parties' passive infrastructures, and who are able to demonstrate a commitment of speedy collaboration with said third parties, could be assessed more positively.
Community and/or rural economic development
For broadband, projects that, in addition to household connectivity, can demonstrate an expected impact on community and/or rural economic development will be assessed more favourably. This includes, without limitation, any expected impact on:
- the employment rates;
- facilitation of commercial or industrial development;
- improvement of public services, social program delivery or on other government initiatives;
- improvement of small business or entrepreneurship capacity; or
- socioeconomic participation of under-represented groups including women, persons who are two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, OLMCs, belonging to a visible minority, children, seniors, or persons with disabilities.
- Applicants whose internal corporate policies, social responsibility or philanthropic practices have a positive impact on the above-mentioned groups will also be assessed more positively.
Consistent with Canada's Connectivity Strategy, and the Alberta Broadband Strategy, large scale projects should be comprehensive and not leave households unconnected, favouring complete coverage of the targeted areas and with contiguous regions.
Other benefits
In cases where an applicant can demonstrate additional benefits for a project outside of the categories above, the applicant should explain that benefit in the application. These are explained in more detail in the section Application form completion instructions.
Section 2: Stream 1 Intake 1: Timeline and Intake Description
Review the ABF initial intake type shown on the ABF website and determine which most suits your situation. |
Intake 1 Service Availability Challenges |
Timeline - when to apply
The ABF program is open for registrations and application submissions starting on Tuesday, December 20, 2022.
The deadline for accepting completed applications is Monday, March 20, 2023 at 23:59 pm MST.
Projects will be assessed over the months following the end of the application period, with Ministerial selection decisions, and the negotiation of Contribution Agreements, to follow. When completing the application please ensure that the project start date is not before the deadline date.
Program funding is currently available until March 31, 2027.
Intake Description
Service Availability Challenges
Communities with their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) representatives that have identified a community(s), geographic area(s), or set of households do not meet broadband minimum 50/10 service standards. Verification that broadband services are not accessible by a sizable portion of existing households is required before proceeding with an application for ABF funding.
Requires ABF program consultation, potential dispute submission to UBF or other program for review, and verification that broadband services are not to be provided by current ISPs or services are not accessible to a sizable portion of existing or new households is required before moving forward with a Community / ISP application.
See the Service Availability Challenges Process instructions below for this intake type application considerations.
Section 3: Registration
Register with the ABF program. After successfully registering, ensure you have downloaded the ABF application form and templates. |
Applicants must confirm they understand the applicant, activities, areas, technology, and cost eligibility requirements. |
To begin the ABF Program Registration process, click the register button below:
By submitting my registration request I acknowledge I have read the information provided and understand the requirements of the applicant, activities, areas, technologies and costs to be eligible. |
You can also register by emailing your organization name, your first and last name, phone number, and your email address to sa.broadband@gov.ab.ca
Municipalities or other civic leaders requiring more information or assistance can also contact the program through the sa.broadband@gov.ab.ca email.
Once verified you will receive instructions on how to login to the Alberta Broadband Fund site.
Next Steps
After successfully registering with the ABF program, prospective applicants will be able to log into this site and be provided with an area to upload the completed ABF application forms and templates.
ABF Program Consultations
Registered applicants will be able to request and schedule a consultation with an ABF Program advisor on applications through the sa.broadband@gov.ab.ca email.
Registered applicants will also be able to submit applications by uploading their application documents.
Section 4: Application Intake Type Requirements
Complete the steps outlined for the ABF initial intake type you selected earlier. |
Applicants need to complete the application steps and collect the supporting information specific to the intake type.
Before applying for underserved households within an area ISPs have reported as a broadband served area:
- Confirm broadband availability status on the National Broadband Internet Service Availability Map to validate served versus un-served status and the ISPs providing service in the area.
- Confirm the map information does not reflect actual service availability by contacting the reporting ISPs for the area. Request the ISPs to provide written confirmation that broadband is not available or planned for the affected households. ISPs should also be asked to contact ISED to have the maps updated if not accurately representing services available.
- ISPs are requested to provide map feedback to Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada as described on the Broadband network feedback from Internet service providers page.
- It is recommended to request a consultation with the ABF program about the potential submission of a challenge and potential application.
Applicants who are challenging the map data need to follow the process for reviewing availability map data steps below as set out by ISED who manage the map information before proceeding with completing a full application.
Process for reviewing availability map data
Potential applicants may seek to apply to cover ineligible areas on the Availability Map if evidence can be provided to substantiate the accuracy of reported broadband service speeds. If an applicant wishes to review, challenge, or update the information on broadband services displayed on the Availability Map, ISED encourages the applicant to communicate with program staff through the following address: get-connected@canada.ca
Updates and confirmations of existing services (or lack thereof) may result in the Availability Map receiving final updates prior to the application deadline. Unresolved or unconfirmed information will not result in the Availability Map being updated.
Applicants seeking to challenge coverage information on the Availability Map should provide evidence that households or areas in question cannot access speeds of 50/10 Mbps (download/upload) with any local Internet service providers. Information demonstrating a lack of 50/10 Mbps service should include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Template 8: Supporting connectivity evidence
- One speed test measurement is required for every 5 targeted households under the targeted area
- Each speed test measurement must indicate the following:
- Internet service provider's name;
- GPS coordinates of the speed test (latitude/longitude);
- Civic address;
- Last mile technology;
- Subscribed download service package;
- Subscribed upload service package;
- Measured download speed;
- Measured upload speed;
- Date of test, and
- Time of day of the measurement.
- In order to substantiate the speed test results, screen captures must be provided as acceptable evidence to demonstrate the requirements mentioned above.
- One speed test measurement is required for every 5 targeted households under the targeted area
- Evidence map: All speed tests should be plotted on a geocode map, with a colour code indicating whether the test passed or failed the 50/10 Mbps threshold requirement. To generate a geocode map, a Geographic Information System format must be used such as KML/KMZ, MapInfo and Shapefiles. For the purpose of this program, images (.jpg,.png,.bmp) and pdf documents are not considered as geocoded maps.
- Confirmation in writing from all the ISPs of the region that they do not offer any service at 50/10 Mbps in the targeted area including specific geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude and associated civic address) for every household. Screen captures from online chats with Internet service providers customer service agents are acceptable information for this evidence section.
All evidence should be attached in the Step 4: Supporting documents in the application submission.
If an applicant wishes to cover an eligible area, but has reason to believe that the presence of Indigenous peoples has been underestimated by the impact calculator, the applicant may clarify the situation by means of a Band Council Resolution, a letter from the Chief in Council, a letter from the Chief or refer to the situation in similar general support documents to be attached with Template 6 Community and rural development benefits.
Consulting with an ABF Program Advisor
If needed, prospective applicants are able to consult with an ABF program advisor. Registered applicants will be provided with information on how to schedule a session(s). Every effort will be made to accommodate consultation sessions as timely as possible but are subject to resource availability. Please note that consulting with an advisor is not required before an ABF application is submitted; applicants may submit applications so long as they meet eligibility criteria and have fully completed the ABF application submission requirements.
Registered organizations will be provided with information on how to schedule a consultation. Every effort will be made to accommodate consultations as timely as possible but are subject to resource availability.
Section 5: Applying
Complete the ABF Application Package using the instructions below. |
Applicants complete the application form and all applicable templates. |
After reading the requirements and registering eligible applicants can use the link below to download the application form and templates package:
2023-03-17 - Package Template 2 corrected unlocked formula totals and decimal points.
2023-03-14 - Application Form update to Ver. 6.3 to correct field scroll and links.
2023-03-09 - Package Template 3 has been updated to correct a locked field issue.
2023-03-02 - Application Form update to Ver. 6.2 to correct field scrolling issue.
2023-02-16 - Package Template 4 has been updated to correct a locked field issue.
Application form completion instructions
Mandatory fields: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and must be completed.
Save as you go: Remember that the Application Form will allow you to draft the application, save it and return later to complete or revise it, print it and validate it.
Applications have a maximum length: Applications have a set overall maximum length. Each item will display their respective maximum number of characters allowed. Note that spaces and hard returns are counted as characters and add to the total number of characters.
Review the application before submitting: Once the Application Form is complete and is ready to submit, a thorough review is strongly recommended. Once the Application Form has been validated (by using the "Validate" button), the Application Form is ready to be uploaded to the ABF Applicant Portal.
Keep a record of the application: It is recommended that you print your application before submitting it by using the "Print" button in the Application Form. The application can also be saved onto a desktop or data storage device (e.g. USB flash drive) by using the "Save As" button and naming it accordingly.
Attachments: When completing the pdf form, attachments should not be attached in the pdf. You will be required to upload these attachments in the My Program Applications at the indicated step of the application submission.
Filling out the ABF application form
Important information on using the Application Form:
- PDF reader: The Application Form is in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view a PDF document, you must have a PDF reader installed. If you do not already have such a reader, there are many available to download for free. However, since this PDF Form is an Electronic Form; some PDF Readers may not be compatible.
- Download the Application Form: in order to download the PDF Application Form you must be registered and signed in to the XNet site.
- Right click on the link to the PDF document and select "Save As" from the dropdown menu.
- Save the file to a directory on your computer by clicking "Save".
- It is important to work using the PDF file that you saved on your computer; some Internet browsers allow PDF to be opened directly on the browser but some functionality may be missing.
The ABF Application Form contains six (6) sections. Each section is explained below in further detail to assist with completing the Application Form.
Getting started
- Before submitting your proposal, please read the Universal Broadband Fund Application Guide.
Filling in your Proposal(s)
- Section 1 provides information about your organization and key contacts.
- Section 2 provides general information about your project.
- Sections 3 to 6 provide specific information about your project which will be used to evaluate the project(s) against the program's assessment criteria.
- Please submit all required supporting documentation online.
- It is recommended that you save a copy of your proposal(s) for your records before submitting it.
Any information that you wish to be considered as confidential should be annotated accordingly. More information on the confidentiality parameters will be enclosed in the Contribution Agreement if your project is selected.
Section 1 — Applicant and contact information
Item 1*: Legal name of applicant
Identify the legal name of the applicant in English and French and subsequently verify that this is the primary legal name in the corresponding official language.
Item 2*: Operating name
Identify if the operating name is the same as the legal name. If the operating name is different, indicate the operating name in the space provided.
Item 3*: Type of organization
Select from the dropdown menu the legal type that best describes the organization applying for funding (e.g., incorporated company-private or public; partnership; limited partnership; joint venture/syndicate; cooperative; educational institution; other non-profit organization; municipality/municipal development corporation; province/provincial crown corporation; band council; public body owned by local/regional government; and other).
If a "band council" is the selected type of organization complete the subsequent box asking that the applicant provide the band number.
If "other" is selected then the applicant will in the provided space specify the type of organization, this field cannot be left empty or an error message will occur.
Item 4*: Indigenous entity
An Indigenous entity may include:
- a profit or non-profit organization run by and for First Nations, Métis, or Inuit peoples;
- a band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act;
- an Indigenous government authority established by a Self-Government Agreement or a Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement;
Item 4b*: If the applicant is an Indigenous organization, identify the Indigenous entity in 75 characters or less.
Item 5*: Overview of the organization
The applicant must provide in 3,500 characters or less an overview of the organization, including information on its current business model, years in business, experience in operating broadband services, previous federal broadband funding received (if applicable), mission/mandate/ vision, size of operation (e.g. annual revenue, assets, number of staff), membership (if applicable), current broadband coverage and subscription base.
Item 6*: Incorporation or registration
The applicant must provide the date of incorporation or registration in the following format YYYY-MM-DD. The 9 digit business identifier number provided by Canada Revenue Agency is also required.
- Mandatory supporting documents*
- Copies of registration and other relevant documents related to incorporation, limited partnership, joint venture, not-for-profit status, etc.
The relevant documents related to incorporation must be provided in PDF format and may be uploaded in Step 4: Supporting Documents.
Item 7*: Applicant location
The applicant location must include complete information on the physical location, such as the floor, suite or room number, street number and name. Identify the city, and select from the drop down menu the Province or Territory and include the postal code. The applicant's 10-digit telephone number is required without dashes, brackets or spaces. Space has also been provided to include the extension number, if applicable. The corresponding email is required as well as the website address, if applicable.
Item 8*: Mailing address of the applicant
The applicant must select whether or not the mailing address is the same as the applicant location. If no, the applicant must identify the full details of the mailing address.
Item 9*: Authorized contact
Provide the name, title, telephone number and email address of the primary contact person for liaising with ISED on matters involving the application. The person named should be an authorized official of the organization, who has full authority to bind said organization through funding agreements. One primary contact must be identified in the case of applications submitted on behalf of multiple organizations.
Item 10: Alternate contact
Include the first and last name, title, business telephone number and email of an alternate contact in the event that the primary contact becomes unreachable. If there is to be no alternate contact, leave this section blank.
Item 11* & 12*: Official language
The applicant must select English or French for the respective official language preferred for correspondence and as its official language.
Section 2 — Project information
For applicants that are successful in their applications for funding under the ABF program, the contribution amounts will be made public via government websites, media releases or other similar materials. Information provided in Section two (2), items 1 to 4, may be used, in whole or in part to assist the ABF program in the preparation of any public announcements.
Item 1*: Multiple provinces/territories
The applicant must indicate whether the applicant's project will span more than one province/territory. The applicant must identify the province(s)/territory(ies) where the project will take place.
In cases where an applicant has identified that the project will span across more than one province/territory, check all that apply.
Item 2*: Project title
In a maximum of 200 characters, provide the project title for the proposed project.
Item 3*: Geographic project area description
Using a maximum of 150 characters, in the text box provided, include a very brief description of the geographic location of the area of the project (i.e., include the closest community(ies) and the general area which the project will target).
Item 4*: Description of the project
Using a maximum of 3,500 characters, in the text box provided, include a non-technical language description of the project, (i.e. description of the project for the general public). Please avoid including any confidential or proprietary information in the description. It is useful for the project description to highlight the key theme or purpose of the project, along with briefly answering the 'who', 'what', 'where', 'when' and 'why' of the application.
Geographic coverage mapping information
Use the Eligibility Mapping Tool to generate the project coverage that is to be included in your application. The coverage tool allows you to import your proposed coverage or to draw it directly on the map. This tool produces the coverage file that is required for your application.
The Eligibility Mapping Tool must be used in conjunction with Template 1 to identify eligible and ineligible project areas and calculate the impact of the proposed project coverage area against the program objectives.
- Mandatory attachment*
- Upload application coverage mapping information using the eligibility tool and upload the associated eligibility tool statistics into Step 1: Eligibility Mapping and Statistics.
Item 5*: Existing network and coverage information
Indicate if existing network and/or coverage information has been already submitted to ISED or the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in the past 12 months, or if the intention is to submit the information to ISED before the close of applications.
This information is used by ISED to continually update broadband coverage data. If the applicant or its partners will provide existing network information and/or coverage by the application deadline, select the second option and use the linked form to inform ISED as such.
If the applicant or its partners do not currently own or operate broadband infrastructure, please select the third option.
Item 6*: Project costing
Copy the information from Template 2: Detailed Budget to identify the project costing, including the total eligible costs and total project cost. For a list of eligible costs refer to the Eligible Costs section above.
Budget details
You must demonstrate that a funding plan is in place to implement the proposed eligible project.
You must complete and upload the appropriate templates related to the project budget details in Step 2 Templates in the application submission.
Mandatory template*
Template 1 Eligibility and Impacts Calculator must be completed and uploaded in Step 2: Templates in the application submission, in order to identify the targeted eligible areas proposed by the project.
Mandatory template*
Once Template 1 is completed, you must complete and upload Template 2: Detailed Budget which identifies all of the project components and their total estimated costs.
Mandatory template*
You must upload in Step 2: Templates in the application submission, Template 3: Financial Forecast to demonstrate the financial viability of the project.
Mandatory supporting documents*
You must also upload in Step 4 Supporting Documents, independently prepared financial statements for the last three (3) years.
Item 7*: Project funding
Copy the information from Template 2: Detailed Budget to identify the requested funding amount from the ABF program, the amount that the applicant will contribute to the project, and funding from all other sources if applicable.
If you are seeking 100% funding support from external sources including the ABF program, then input "$0" next to "amount applicant will contribute". An error message will occur if an amount, including 0, is not entered.
Item 8: Amount of other funding sources
You are required to identify sources of funding that you expect to secure to cover all project costs. The amount of funding requested and the status of those applications must be clearly identified in the table provided. The only types of loans that you can provide in this section those which you anticipate to receive from a program or granting agency. Any other loans must be included in the applicant funding.
Use the "+" and "-" buttons to add or remove an information line. If there are multiple items and you would like to change the order in which they appear, use the arrows () to move them. Please provide the name of the partner(s), the contact information, name of the program (if applicable) and amount for all other corresponding funding sources.
If other sources of funding are contingent on you receiving funding under the ABF program, indicate in the drop down menu the status (e.g. submitted, received confirmation of eligibility, pending, or approved). As well, using the drop down menu, you must identify the funder type (e.g. federal, provincial/territorial, municipal, or private).
Item 9* & 10*: Project start and completion end date
You must provide the proposed start and completion dates for the project. The start and end dates must be no earlier than March 15, 2023 and the end date must be no later than March 31, 2027. Information provided in this section will be used to determine whether the project meets the timeframe of the ABF program. This information will also be used to compare projects proposing to serve the same general underserved area.
Section 3 — Technological solution
Item 1*: System design
Provide a description of the system that must cover all key network components that enable connectivity from the start and end points (maximum 3,500 characters).
Item 2*: Logical network diagram
You must upload a logical network diagram in Step 4: Supporting Documents in the application submission.
Mandatory supporting documents*
- Upload a logical network diagram into Step 4: Supporting Documents in the application submission.
- The logical network diagram must include all of the key network elements (showing the new and/or upgrade portions of the network, as well as existing portions of the network). This includes indicating: towers (if wireless), central offices (COs), digital subscriber lines (DSL) remotes, remote digital subscriber line access multiplex (DSLAM) units, cable head-ends, fibre-optic line terminals, hybrid fibre nodes, etc.
- The following formats are accepted: PDF, PNG JPEG, VSD/VSDX, DOC/DOCX, PPT, PPTX.
- Indicate some of the key network elements (showing the upgrade and/or new portions of the network).
Item 3*: Last mile Internet service offerings
Using Template 4: Last-mile Internet Service Offerings provide a list of service plans which will be offered to residential clients at Step 2.
Mandatory template*
Upload Template 4: Last-mile Internet Service Offerings
Item 4*: Scalability
Describe the ability of the network to adapt to forecasted increased network capacity and demand over the next (5) years from the project completion date, accommodating additional subscribers and usage traffic, enhanced services and the network's ability to support speeds identified above in this guide (maximum 3,500 characters).
Item 5*: Backbone technology type
Check all boxes that apply to specify the backbone technology(ies) proposed (i.e., Fibre, Satellite, Microwave).
Item 6*: Last-mile technology type
Check all boxes that apply to specify the last-mile technology type (i.e., Fibre, Cable, DSL, Fixed Wireless, Satellite).
Mandatory template (if applicable)*
Upload Template 7: Wireless and Mobile Addendum
Section 4 — Benefits
Applicants are encouraged to quantify any estimation or claim they make about the effects of their project to the targeted areas in open box section.
Item 1*: Description of connectivity improvements
Projects will be assessed based on their household connectivity impacts and on their social and economic benefits.
The effects of the project on program's primary objectives will be derived from Template 1: Eligibility and Impacts Calculator. In addition, if the project includes backbone infrastructure, the Template 5: List of Points of Presence and Wholesale Pricing must also be filled out.
To support their claims of social and economic benefits, applicants should provide letters of support (at Step 4) and upload Template 6: Community and Rural Development Benefits (at Step 2). Applications must include a listing for the letters of support and their associated benefits.
Describe the social and economic benefits as a result of the proposed project, including improvements to community connectivity, facilitation of commercial or industrial development, improvement of public services or programs delivery, improvement of small businesses or entrepreneurship capacity, etc. In the case of internal corporate policies, social responsibility and philanthropic practices, you can describe how your organization promotes gender equality and diversity or how your organization gives back to the community (maximum 3,500 characters).
Mandatory template (if applicable)*
- Fill out Template 5: List of Points of Presence and Wholesale Pricing and upload it to application package. Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted.
Supporting documents
- Letters of Support from the Community: Descriptions of benefits should demonstrate the specific, tangible, and expected benefits a project is likely to provide within and around its targeted community(ies). This could include, but is not limited to, how the project will:
- Impact the community's economic growth, social development, resiliency, employment, ongoing viability and/or capacity to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic effects.
- Improve access to essential services, including tele-health, distance learning, social inclusiveness, and telework;
- Facilitate participation in the digital economy by underrepresented groups, including women, persons who are 2SLGBTQ, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, living in OLMCs, belonging to a visible minority, children, seniors, or persons with disabilities;
- Connect institutions, including schools, libraries, hospitals, and other social services or community institutions, and/or enhance the services these institutions deliver;
- Connect or facilitate the development of small businesses or entrepreneurship;
- Connect or facilitate industrial applications; and
- Contribute to governmental efforts such as Canada's Poverty Reduction Strategy, Canada's Homelessness Strategy, Indigenous Community Development National Strategy, Women Entrepreneurship Strategy or the Action Plan for Official Languages.
- Corporate social responsibility and philanthropic practices: The letter should be submitted by the human resources branch or the executive management of the applicant and describe its corporate social responsibility and/or philanthropic practices. This could include, but is not limited to, how your organization will:
- Contribute to other government programs related to digital literacy such as CanCode, Digital Literacy Exchange Program, Connecting Families, Computers for Schools, Digital Skills for Youth and the like;
- Promote or maintain gender equality and diversity in recruitment practices and in the composition of executive management and/or Boards of Directors;
- Develop or maintain a volunteer program for its employees;
- Encourage sustainable development, environmental protection, reduced carbon emissions, recycling, fair trade or other similar objectives on an ongoing basis; and
- Develop or maintain any form of internal philanthropy or charity program designed to help the community.
- Commitment by executive management of an applicant to facilitate access to its passive infrastructure including but not limited to towers, poles, rights of way or similar assets and infrastructures.
- The letter submitted should include a firm commitment by executive management to facilitate third party access to the applicant passive infrastructure based on the following parameter(s) or action(s):
- Participation to a key passive infrastructure assets owners coordinating committee meeting on a regular and ongoing basis;
- Establishing a "dig-once" policy and letting third parties lay their fibre at the same time as other infrastructures are being built;
- Streamlining and accelerating permit emissions, administrative process and/or access contracts;
- Lowering or cancelling attachment rates and replacement costs on the infrastructures; and/or
- Leveraging existing dark fibre or other existing network not currently being used.
- Evidence of imminent access to third party infrastructure (if needed for project completion): If the applicant requires access to the infrastructure of a third party in order to carry out its project and that access has been or is about to be acquired, the applicant may submit :
- Evidence of a signed contract with the external owner;
- Evidence that permits are acquired or in the process of being acquired; and/or
- A letter of support from the external owner demonstrating good faith and specifying, if possible, the terms of the upcoming agreement.
Applicants are encouraged to provide supporting documents to the above, including letters, contracts, or emails which can be attached within the application submission. This information should avoid presenting general benefits that could apply to any broadband project and speak to the specific and tangible benefits of the application. Letters from federal or provincial elected officials should not be provided.
Supporting documents must be provided in.pdf or.doc formats. Fill out Template 6: Community and Rural Development Benefits to list the letters of support and upload all the related documents.
- Fill out Template 6: Community and Rural Development Benefits and upload it to application package. Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted.
Section 5 Project planning & management
Item 1*: Project management
An applicant must demonstrate that it has the capacity to manage the proposed project and bring it to successful completion. This capacity includes both administrative and technical capabilities. The applicant and collaborators must have strong project management, financial control and technical development skills. Where weaknesses exist, remedial measures must be explained.
There are three required fields.
- Describe the relationship between the project manager and applicant (maximum 2,500 characters);
- Overview of project management team-Identify the applicant's project lead and team members including name, title, roles and responsibilities and relevant experience (maximum 3,500 characters);
- Overview of project participants--Identify the applicant's project participants including builder(s), owner(s), and operator(s) if different. Indicate the names, titles, operating name (if applicable), legal type, contact information, and relevant portion of the network (maximum 3,500 characters).
Project schedule
Mandatory supporting documents*
- Upload as a separate document a project schedule, preferably a Gantt chart that shows each activity and a critical path with key milestones for key project stages in Step 4: Supporting Documents in the application submission.
- The Gantt chart must be provided in a Microsoft Project format or Microsoft Excel.
- Applicants must be able to demonstrate an ability to adequately manage and plan a project through scheduling and timelines. Applicants are required to submit a project schedule, preferably a Gantt chart. The detailed project schedule must clearly indicate that the project is well planned and has defined activities and a critical path with key milestones for key project stages, including:
- Engineering and network design;
- Securing of all relevant licenses, permits, duty to consult obligations, tower consultations, co-location agreements and other regulatory requirements;
- Site preparation;
- Equipment procurement;
- Equipment deployment;
- Network testing; and
- Network completion and transition to operational status.
Please do not include the time to negotiate and sign the Contribution Agreement with the federal government in the GANTT chart.
Activities must be logically sequenced with realistic timelines, and include a start date and a completion date for each of the key project stages.
This information will be used to assess the reasonableness of project implementation as well as the feasibility of project timelines.
Item 2*: Sustainability
In the space provided, using a maximum of 3,500 characters, describe key factors to indicate how you will be prepared to operate, manage and maintain the proposed broadband network including any external managed services which will support network management or operations functions. Address how you will ensure that the necessary sales, operational, technical and billing support systems are or will be in place to supply the proposed services.
Section 6 – Declarations
You are required to check appropriate boxes in the declaration section of the Application Form. Please ensure to complete the signature block at the end of the form before submitting.
Program templates
The Excel Program Templates must be uploaded with the Application Form in order to successfully submit a ABF application and complete the submission. When a document is properly filled, a green line should appear at the top of the document. If the line remains red, it means the template has not been filled properly and will not be receivable for a submission unless the issue is fixed.
Template 1: Eligibility & impacts calculator
Please note that the template spreadsheet itself must be uploaded. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted.
This mandatory template will be used in conjunction with the Eligibility Mapping Tool statistics to demonstrate project eligibility and calculate the impact of the proposed project coverage area against the program objectives. Applicants must have first completed the creation and submission of a project map to the tool prior to completion of this template. The results shown within this template are directly derived from the applicant map and will ultimately be used for evaluation purposes. It is possible that applicants may choose to modify their proposed project and associated coverage area (i.e. map) following their assessment of the results shown in this template. Applicants are encouraged to use the Eligibility Mapping Tool and this template to help to assemble the most viable project possible.
Detailed instructions for completion can be found within the template itself.
The template is presented in four main sections:
- Map Validation
- Eligibility and Impacts Summary
- Overbuild Assessment
- Eligibility Assessment
Map validation is a summary of the proposed project coverage mapping file, as submitted to the mapping tool. This section will highlight the version of that file, the date produced and analyzed and the currency of the data used for the assessment. There is no applicant input required for this section.
Eligibility and impacts summary provides an assessment of the eligibility of the proposed project coverage. Eligibility is shown for both Broadband Service expansion (i.e. areas lacking 50/10 Mbps) elements as well as mobile wireless service expansion (i.e. major highways and roads lacking LTE or advanced mobile services). Additional feedback regarding potential impacts for households on Indigenous lands, very remote communities or within satellite-dependent communities is also found here. There is no applicant input required for this section.
Overbuild assessment provides an evaluation of the potential overbuild of existing services and other known projects and investments currently underway. This section only applies to applications which include expansion of broadband services in areas without 50/10 Mbps. Overbuild refers to building duplicative services within areas that have similar or better existing services. Overbuilding existing services is an ineligible activity under the ABF Program. The mapping tool assists applicants to identify and eliminate potential overbuild visually when defining their project area. This section of the template will characterize any remaining overbuild in terms of a count of impacted households. Applicants are advised to modify their proposed project and revising proposed coverage based on the evaluation of overbuild provided in this section.
Eligibility assessment provides a step- by-step assessment of the number of eligible households targeted by the submitted coverage for projects expanding broadband service in areas lacking 50/10 Mbps and the number of eligible kilometres of major highways or roads for projects proposing the expansion of mobile services. Applicants are shown how eligible and ineligible areas of their proposals impact the assessment of eligibility of the proposed project. The results of this calculation are carried up to the Eligibility and Impacts Summary section above.
Template 2: Detailed budget
Please note that the template spreadsheet itself must be uploaded. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This is a mandatory template.
Financial support from ISED is intended to complement, not replace, funding received from other sources for the proposed project. Applicants are required to disclose all actual and potential sources of funding for their project.
In completing Template 2: Detailed Budget, provide the following:
- An outline of all project components and their total estimated costs. This must include a financial breakdown, by project component (e.g., rural, very remote, mobile) by category of capital costs (e.g., labour, equipment), and eligible and ineligible expenditures.
- All proposed funding sources as well as an assurance that funding to undertake and complete the project has been secured or can reasonably be secured. Funding assurance may include, but is not limited to, a letter from a Chief Financial Officer/Chief Administrative Officer/Treasurer, a letter from a financial institution, or a Council Resolution of budget allocations.
- An estimated expenditure profile reflecting total eligible expenditures, by fiscal year and by funding source.
- Assurance of capacity to operate and maintain the service on a sustainable, long-term basis.
All items in the budget are required to be allocated between components of the project that are targeting rural areas are eligible for up to 75%; very remote, Indigenous areas, satellite-dependent areas, or mobile benefiting Indigenous peoples are eligible up to 90%.
For all costs beyond network equipment, the applicant should allocate funds where it makes the most sense. For example, it may be possible to determine how the engineering and project management costs will be allocated between these components.
The information provided in this template must be used to respond to the remaining items in the Application Form Section 2.
Template 3: Financial forecast
Please note that the template spreadsheet itself must be uploaded. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This is a mandatory template.
Template 3: Financial Forecast is an estimate of the future financial outcomes for the project (for up to five (5) years after project completion). It will be used to demonstrate the need for funding as well as financial viability of the project.
For the financial forecast only incremental expenses and revenues attributable to the project and associated with the services to be delivered are to be included. Incremental revenue is the product of the monthly service fee charged per service offering and the estimated percentage of customers that will subscribed to a particular offering. The result will be used to calculate the average revenue per customer, which will then be used to calculate revenue over the five (5) years period. Additional instructions are provided in the template. If the project involves upgrading services to current customers please ensure to include only the incremental price associated with any upgraded services. You will note that all sources of funding for the project are excluded in the calculation of the net present value (NPV) for the project, as the Financial Forecast will be used to assess the viability of the project at various levels of funding support.
Template 4: Last-mile Internet service offerings
Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This is a mandatory template.
- Fill out Template 4: Last-mile Internet Service Offerings and upload it to the application at Step 2.
Applicants should use this template to list the service plans that they intend to provide in the covered areas. Service plans should be provided if the applicant plans to use this information in their financial forecast for their estimated subscriber (residential and/or business) revenue. The template should include at least one residential service plan that meets the objectives of the ABF program. The template contains further instructions on how to complete the document.
Template 5: List of points of presence and wholesale pricing
Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This template is required if the project constructs any points of presence, which offer third party wholesale pricing.
- Fill out Template 5: List of Points of Presence and Wholesale Pricing and upload it to the application at Step 2. The template contains further instructions on how to complete the document.
Please indicate the location of the points of presence, including the latitude and longitude of the PoPs. Provide the applicable wholesale pricing per month for the related capacity (0.1 Gbps, 1 Gbps 10 Gbps) that will be offered for each community. Note: The price for 1 Gbps is mandatory to complete this template. The wholesale/retail open access pricing should be provided if the applicant plans to use this information in their financial forecast for their estimated wholesale/retail revenue. Applicants owning passive infrastructure that are committed to making it more easily accessible to third parties should submit a letter from their executive management and include it in Template 6. Applicants requiring access to third parties' passive infrastructure and who can demonstrate a commitment of speedy collaboration with said third parties through a support letter should provide it in Template 6.
Template 6: Community and rural development benefits
Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This is a mandatory template for Mobile projects benefitting Indigenous peoples. Although it is not mandatory for other types of projects, applicants are still strongly encouraged to complete it. Applicants have two opportunities to present the Community and Rural Development Benefits of their project within the template.
- You may fill out the free box of the Application Form (section 4) to describe the social and economic benefits of your project based on the parameters set out in other sections of this guide.
- To further describe the community and economic development benefits of your project and to support your claims, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit letters of interests and support from municipal, business or social services partners. Applicants can also provide letters of financial support showing a firm or conditional commitment from third parties in this section. Applicants owning passive infrastructure that are committed to making it more easily accessible to third parties should submit a letter from their executive management in this section. Applicants requiring access to third parties' passive infrastructure and who can demonstrate a commitment of speedy collaboration with said third parties through a support letter should provide it in this section. If submitting letters of support, the Community and Rural Development Benefits template must be completed.
Applicants must complete the letters of support section in the community and rural development template. You should provide contact information for all your community partners and describe the rural development benefits that their letters are describing for your project. Each letter of support should be attached separately when submitting the application.
Template 7: Wireless & mobile addendum
Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This template is mandatory if your project includes a fixed wireless or mobile technology component.
- Fill out Template 7: Wireless and Mobile Addendum and upload it to the application at Step 2. The template contains further instructions on how to complete the document.
Projects that include a fixed wireless component for rural broadband or mobile component must provide additional information to confirm that the wireless or mobile solution can meet the objectives of the program.
The applicant should indicate the key parameters that define the fixed wireless or mobile solution proposed. This includes indicating the wireless technology standard proposed, the planned gateway capacity, the key base station parameters, the key subscriber parameters, and the wireless tower specifications.
Template 8: Supporting connectivity evidence
Please note that the spreadsheet itself must be attached. PDF scans or printouts of the spreadsheet will not be accepted. This template is mandatory if an applicant intends to provide evidence to clarify or improve the coverage data presented by the Availability Map. See Annex 4: Process for Reviewing Availability Map Data for more information on the process of updating or improving the data of the Availability Map.
Applicants should provide evidence that households or areas in question cannot access speeds of 50/10 Mbps (download/upload) with any local Internet service providers.
- Fill out Template 8: Supporting Connectivity Evidence and upload it to the application at Step 2. The template contains further instructions on how to complete the document.
- Each speed test measurement should indicate the following:
- Internet service provider's name;
- GPS coordinates of the speed test (latitude/longitude);
- Civic address;
- Last mile technology;
- Subscribed download service package;
- Subscribed upload service package;
- Measured download speed;
- Measured upload speed;
- Date and time of test and measurement.
- In order to substantiate the speed test results, screen captures must be provided as acceptable evidence to demonstrate the requirements mentioned above.
- Applicants may also provide official correspondence with an Internet service providers as a connectivity evidence.
Section 6: Uploading the Application Package
Upload the completed ABF Application Package to the ABF website. You may also visit the site to check or update your uploaded files. |
Registered Applicants who are logged into the site will have access to submit their application(s). |
When the application is completed use the upload section below (only available to registered applicants) to upload the submission.
Checklist of documents needed for application submission
Step 1: Eligibility mapping and statistics
- Geographic coverage map submitted using the Eligibility Mapping Tool
- Eligibility Coverage Mapping Statistics
Step 2: Templates
- Template 1: Eligibility and Impact Calculator
- Template 2: Detailed Budget
- Template 3: Financial Forecast
- Template 4: Last-mile Internet Service Offerings
- Template 5: List of Points of Presence and Wholesale Pricing
- Template 6: Community and Rural Development Benefits
- Template 7: Wireless and Mobile Addendum (mandatory for wireless)
- Template 8: Supporting Connectivity Evidence
Step 3: ABF application form
- ABF Application Form
Step 4: Supporting documents
- Copies of registration and other relevant documents
- Independently prepared financial statements for the last three (3) years
- Logical network diagram
- Project schedule (preferably a Gantt chart)
- Community and Rural Development Benefits supporting documents (15 pages maximum)
- For larger scale projects or covering a large number of communities, the program would accept a number of pages equivalent to the number of communities covered (ex : 5 communities covered by a project = up to 5 pages of interest and support letters).
- For larger scale projects or covering a large number of communities, the program would accept a number of pages equivalent to the number of communities covered (ex : 5 communities covered by a project = up to 5 pages of interest and support letters).
- Other Supporting Documents
Step 5: Upload the Application
Ensure you are logged into the site to upload your application documents below.
Section 7: Application Assessments
The ABF program will review and assess your application. You will be notified by email as status changes and when a funding decision is determined. |
The ABF Program will review the submitted application for completeness and essential criteria. Applicants may be contacted to provide missing or to information. The ABF Program will provide application status updates of Received, Under Review, Additional Information Required, and Accepted or Denied. |
The Assessment criteria stated above will be used to determine an applications determination to be funded via the ABF program.
If additional information becomes available that affects an application as submitted the program will attempt to inform the applicant.
Below are the status types:
Received |
Under Review |
Information Required |
Accepted or Denied |
The submission has been acknowledged as received and will be scheduled to be reviewed.
The application review has been initiated and is in progress.
The program has identified missing information or information that requires clarification from the applicant.
Review has completed and the application for funding has been: Accepted - applicant will be contacted with information on how to proceed Denied - applicant will be contacted to review missed requirement criteria |
Applicants who do not receive confirmation of a received application within 10 business days should confirm their upload was successful and/or contact the program. |
Applications will be reviewed as timely as possible but the total time to review may be dependent on the application size and details, and the status of other applications and programs. |
Applications with missing information will be put on hold and the applicant contacted to provide before review of the application will proceed. The program may also recommend a consultation to clarify the information. |